Choosing the Narrow Path: An Introduction to Jesus' Radical Message
The Sermon on the Mount, a foundational teaching of Jesus, is arguably one of the most important texts in scripture for understanding how Jesus changes lives. While it's not about how people are saved, it details both the result of committing one's life to Christ and how to live faithfully on the narrow path to true joy and freedom.
Living counterculturally, or the "narrow path," is a core theme in the sermon. This means rejecting the predominant cultural norms in favor of Jesus’s teachings.
This is a difficult path, but the rewards are great. Just as squeezing through a narrow cave opening can lead to a spacious cavern, choosing the narrow path of following Jesus, though initially challenging, leads to a life of spaciousness, abundant joy, and fulfillment.
Why is this path so difficult? Because it requires resisting the "broadway," the easier and more culturally acceptable path, which ultimately leads to destruction. Have you ever tried to navigate against the flow of traffic? When following Jesus we can often find ourselves walking against the flow of a culture that often pulls us in the opposite direction from God.
The allure of the broadway is strong. It promises immediate gratification and aligns with our natural inclinations. In a culture obsessed with options and solutions, Jesus' message of only two paths—one leading to life and the other to destruction—stands out for its clarity and kindness. It's a call to radical commitment, to be "all in" with Jesus.
However, walking the narrow path doesn't mean we won't stumble. Jesus sets a high bar for his followers, one that we often fail to meet. But even in our failures, there is hope. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus provides a "rescue buoy" in the form of his death and resurrection. He doesn't leave us to flounder in our inability to perfectly follow the narrow path, but instead offers us a lifeline.
More importantly, Jesus doesn't rescue us so we can stay the same. Like a skilled heart surgeon, he performs "delicate work" within us, transforming our hearts and minds to reflect his kingdom values . This internal transformation, not mere external behavior modification, is what empowers us to live countercultural lives characterized by love, forgiveness, generosity, and unwavering faith.
Ultimately, the Sermon on the Mount is a call to discipleship, to a life that reflects the values and power of God's kingdom, a kingdom that stands in stark contrast to the kingdoms of this world. It's a call to embrace a different way of living, a different set of values, and a different kind of king—Jesus, who calls us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, and live lives radically different from the cultural norms.
The narrow path, the path of discipleship, leads to true and lasting joy, both now and in the life to come.
Questions for Reflection
In this introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, what do you consider to be the central theme?
What are some of the ways that Jesus’ call to discipleship are counter to your culture?
What are some specific areas that to follow Jesus you have had to go against culture?
Explain the metaphor of the “rescue buoy” and it’s significance in the Christian life.
What are some of the ways that Jesus has acted as your heart surgeon?
How should we handle our inevitable failings as we try to live up to the impossible standards of following the narrow path?
How does the Kingdom of God differ in its values and actions compared to typical worldly kingdoms?